
Sisters, Knitters, Sweater Recyclers

Knitting Along

I really don’t have much to write about, I’m afraid. I have not really been doing much knitting, only a little here and there. I am still a little nervous to start sewing my Cotton Ease sweater together. I think it’s because I am so proud I actually knitted the whole thing and I am scared that I will mess up the seaming and will just be disappointed with how it looks so I’ll just stuff it away somewhere and forget about it. Does that sound weird??!

What I have been knitting is Lizard Ridge squares. I am really enjoying this project. Well, so far I am. I only have 2 and a half squares done….lol. Renee finally revealed her finished afghan and let me just say it’s gorgeous. I can’t wait till I can actually post some pictures of mine finished. Don’t hold your breathe though. That will likely be somewhere in the middle of 2008…..if I’m lucky! lol

That’s all for now. I am helping my daughter with her very first essay and she has snuck off somewhere. We were working and when I turned around she was gone. So I guess it’s time to go and remind her that I already passed grade 6……maybe that will get her moving. Yeah, probably not! lol

I will post a picture of my unfinished sweater next time. That might just be the kick I need to just do it!

Have a great day!!

Kris šŸ™‚

October 11, 2007 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. Are you familiar with the mattress stitch? This is usually what I use when seaming a sweater, and I find it gives it a very nice, finished look. :0)

    Looking forward to seeing the LR squares!

    Comment by Charity | October 11, 2007

  2. If you get as addicted as I was, you’ll have it done in no time. I still miss knitting that thing.

    Comment by Renee | October 16, 2007

  3. just go for it! take that leap – it’ll be GOOD!

    Comment by persephonesawakening | October 17, 2007

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